Sunday, March 8, 2015

Owen is 6 months old!


Where has the time gone? You are growing so quickly and life hasn't slowed down enough for us to catch up on your blog posts. Each day with you is a new adventure. You bring us such joy and happiness, to an extent we have never known before. The past three months have been jam packed with milestones and beautiful memories.

I want to show you some of the highlights from each month we haven't recorded yet.


12 lbs 6 oz

You celebrated your very first Thanksgiving at Nana and Papa's house in Russellville.  This photo was taken November 23rd, 2014. 

My favorite little turkey booty!

Daddy's Little Turkey!
Thanksgiving celebration with the McCrary Family. 

Our little happy family. 

Thanksgiving Celebration with the Bissell Family.
Our sweet little farm boy!

Four generations of McCrary men.

Your very first day at daycare. December 5th, 2014. Mommy cried many tears. You did great!

Owen, Mommy, Best Friend Connor Hill, and Amy ( his mommy) at Garvin Gardens

You were mesmerized by all of the beautiful Christmas lights. December 15th, 2014. 

Mommy, Daddy, and Mini-Santa. 

Santa said he wanted a copy of this picture! He'd never seen such a cuter version of himself!
You were Mommy's sleepy little helper while we wrapped Christmas presents!

We had to get some photos of you with your very first Christmas Tree!

Every Santa needs his Reindogs!

13lbs 4.4 oz 23.5 inches long

Dr. Brewer gave us the okay to start rice cereal and baby for. We started with rice cereal first. You were not a huge fan!

One of your very first Christmas celebrations at you Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Ahrens' house.

You're the best Christmas present we could have ever received. 

Owen Michael's first Christmas. Taken December 23rd, 2014.

Christmas Day 2014 with Nana, Papa, Great Nanny Price, Great Papa John, Mommy, and Daddy.

Best Christmas yet!

Smooches from Papa Dwane during Christmas celebration.

Your first Tonka toy!

The biggest teddy bear you'd ever seen! Nana and Papa sure spoiled you on your first Christmas!

Sheer excitement! Haha!

Big Cousin Ava feeding you on Christmas Eve! She loves you so much!

The only good picture I have of you in your Christmas outfit! Mommy bought this for you before you were born, luckily it fit!
This is one of my most favorite pictures of you and I. I love you to the moon and back baby boy!

One of the very few pictures I got of Christmas at your Beba and Pawpaw's house. You were teething and not feeling well this weekend. We even had to go home early, because you were just not feeling up to par. Beba, Pawpaw, Aunt JenJen, Uncle Jonathan, and Aunt Rachel all spoiled you to high heaven! We barely had room in our car for all the gifts they gave you!

We celebrated Daddy's 26th birthday in Hot Springs with him. 

You helped mommy pick out the PERFECT birthday cake for Daddy!

Since Daddy's Birthday is New Year's Eve we also celebrated bringing in 2015 the very same evening. Your Aunt Denise got you this sweet outfit!

You also tried actual baby food for the very first time on New Years Eve!

Sweet potatoes were definitely a success with you! You still love them and always finish every container!

You absolutely despised tummy time, but when we turned on this 'tv' that Nana and Papa gave you, you would just stare for as long as it would play. 

Just a sweet memory from your fourth month!

You and Daddy are best friends forever!


~15 lbs ~24 inches long

Very rarely do you ever complain about bath time! You have really started kicking and playing in the water.

Nana and Papa came down to visit Valentine's Day weekend! They watched you for the day while  Mommy and Daddy went on a date!

We forsee lots of fun times for you and your Papa!

Special Memories!

Beba and Pawpaw came down the very next day to spend some time with you! Your grandparents love you so much!

You are Mommy and Daddy's most favorite Valentine!

Owen Michael's first Valentine's Day 2015!

My sweet boy on a Sunday before church! So stinkin' handsome!

So what if we matched a time or two!?

We had our very first snow day in February 2015. Unfortunately you had your first ear infection as well. So you spent the day inside. 

You enjoyed the day in your jumper! This is one of your favorite pass times! You will just jump and play and bang until your heart is content.
A week or so later, when you were feeling better, more snow fell on the ground.  This time we took you out to see it the very first time!

You and your handsome daddy!

You were very intrigued by the cold snow on your tongue! A little confused, but nonetheless, interested!

Mommy and Daddy's most handsome little man!

16lbs 3 oz, 25.25 inches long

You are now 6 months old and our love grows for you each and every day. Here are just a few fun facts about you at this moment in time:
  • You can officially sit up on your own as of March 4th
  • You love bananas, sweet potatoes, and carrots. Green beans and sweet peas take a lot of encouragement for you to eat them. The first couple of times you tried them you threw the biggest fits!
  • You eat step two foods three times a day and you take 4 bottles of breast milk a day. 
  • You have tried 'puffs' but you haven't quite figured out how to eat them yet. 
  • You sleep about 10-11 hours a night.
  • You are getting some bottom teeth. A few nights ago we noticed some blood on your bottom gums from a tooth trying to break through. We don't think it will be long before we see that little tooth!
  • You still fit in 6 month clothing, but can also wear some 9 month clothing. 
  • Your favorite toys include: chew keys, your crinkle book, and your 'iPod'. 
  • You are a very social baby. You don't meet a stranger. You smile at everyone you meet. 
It seems unreal that you are already half a year old, but we are so excited to see what big milestones the next 6 months bring. You are our pride and joy! We thank God everyday for blessing us with you and allowing us to be your parents. Every giggle and smile is a sweet little memory tucked away in our hearts that we will never forget. Keep growing strong and big little boy. We will continue to be here to watch you every step of the way. 

Mommy and Daddy