Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Owen is One Month!

It's hard to believe that a whole month ago I gave birth to you, my precious baby boy! We weren't expecting you to arrive until September 27th, but God had different plans. On August 20th, Mommy and Daddy were told that mommy was getting sick with preeclampsia and must go on bed rest immediately. This forced mommy to take a medical leave of absence from pharmacy school. God knew what He was doing, because the very next day I was sent to Saline Memorial for monitoring because my blood pressure was on the rise. After they took mommy's blood they discovered that I was developing HELLP syndrome and must be taken by ambulance to Baptist in Little Rock to have you. Although Daddy and I were very scared, we were so excited to meet you a little early. God had given us such peace that everything was going to be alright. After a long couple of days, you finally arrived at 4:02 pm on August 23, 2014.
Here you are! 5lbs 1.8oz and 19.5 inches long!
Mommy and Daddy only got to visit with you for a moment before they took you to the NICU. Because you were born 5 weeks early, they had to make sure you were okay! You never once had to have oxygen, but had to be placed on a baby IV to give you nutrients because the medicine mommy was on to keep her healthy made you very tired and not ready to eat on your own. I had to wait 12 whole hours from the time you were born to see you again, but in the mean time daddy went straight to the NICU with you and took a bunch of people who love you back to see you for the first time.  Here a just a few pictures from your first moments. 
Beba and Papa Dennis meeting you for the first time.

You were so itty bitty, bubba. 

Nana and Papa Dwane meeting you for the first time.
 For the next 10 days you were in the hospital. This was the hardest thing mommy and daddy has ever had to go through. After I was discharged, Daddy and I had to start leaving you at the hospital overnight by yourself. I can't tell you how many tears we cried having to leave you there, but we knew you were in the best hands. Each day brought its own victories and challenges. Here are some pictures from your first 10 days of life in the hospital.
This is Mrs. Susan. She helped bring you into this world!
This was the first time I saw you after you were born…12 hrs later.
Not long after you were born you became jaundice and they had to put you under the bili light. We joked constantly that you were sunbathing. 
Mommy and Daddy love you so much!
This is Miss Kristina. She was the first nurse to take care of you in the NICU. She played a huge role in helping Mommy and Daddy through such a hard time! She took great care of you!

Daddy loves his sweet boy!
Your first outfit!

 On Tuesday September 2nd we got to take you home. I can promise you sweet boy that this was one of the happiest moments in our lives!

Since you've been home you've brought us nothing but joy!!! Nana, Papa Dwane, Beba, and Papa Dennis have been down to see you a few times and they all love you very much!

You also watched your first Razorback game at home. None of your razorback clothes that we got you fit at this point, so we put on your razorback socks and let you cheer from your razorback blanket! The Hogs beat Nicholls State 73-7!

Woo Pig Sooie little man!

Our first Sunday at church as a family!

Just yesterday we took you to the pumpkin patch to celebrate the arrival of fall! We picked you out some little pumpkins that were just your size! 

Mommy and Daddy's Little Pumpkin

Today you weighed 7lbs and 12.4 oz. You eat 3 oz every 2-3 hours and you will sleep just about anywhere! We think you like your crib the most though! You out grew your premie clothes by 3 weeks old. Scooter and Daisy love you so much. They pop their heads up every time they hear you whimper. Scooter even runs to check on you from wherever she is at. You have peed on mommy and daddy several times, but are learning how to beat you at your own game! We have noticed that you are extremely calm and happy when Daddy plays praise and worship music for you. You even raised your hands during praise and worship at church. 

We have learned so much  in the past month with you, and we couldn't be more grateful that God has given us this most precious time together. We can't wait to see how much excitement this next month brings! Happy One Month Birthday! We love you Owen Michael!