Thursday, January 1, 2015

Owen is Three Months Old!

There are not enough words to describe how much we love you. This month you have amazed us by how much you have grown and changed. We wish time would slow down and stop passing by so quickly.

3 days after you turned 2 months old your cousin Brooks Douglas was born. He is just beautiful.
Brooks Douglas Hall was born October 26th, 2014 at 1:10 pm. He weighed 7lbs 6oz and was 20.5" long. 
While we were in Little Rock waiting for sweet Brooks to be born you had a great time meeting some special people.

Your first time at Mommy and Daddy's favorite  restaurant Longhorn Steakhouse!

This is Dalton. He was the server that was so good to us while you were in the NICU. He was thrilled to meet you finally!

Your Aunt Sherry finally got to hold you for the first time! You also met Mrs. Susie Hall and Steve Hubbard. All very special people in our lives!

 Bath time is still one of your favorite activities, but you hate getting out of the warm water!

We always had you dressed in razorback gear on Saturday game days! The hat you are wearing was made by one of the nurses that helped deliver you at Baptist!

We can't forget the first time you were held by your cousin Kara. She is one of mommy's best friends. She and mommy spent most of their childhood years together causing lots of trouble! :)

The time came for your first round of shots at your two month check up. After watching you kick and play on the table paper, it was absolutely heart breaking to watch you cry out in pain from your first vaccinations. Needless to say when we left the doctor's office you were out cold from being all worked up.

 After your very eventful checkup we went to stay a few days in Russellville while Daddy had to stay a night away for work. This meant getting to see many special people in your life!
Aunt Brittany was super excited to get to hold you again. She loves you so much!

This was the first time you ever met your Uncle Kevin! I think he was pretty excited to see and hold you for the first time!

Mommy is so proud of this picture! We are so blessed to have Brittany and Kevin in our lives!

Also, your 'Aunt' Allie came by to see you! She is one of mommy's very best friends! She and mommy competed in Miss Arkansas together and she was also a bridesmaid in mommy and daddy's wedding!

You got to experience your very first breakfast with Grandpa Jimmy and Papa Dwane. Mommy used to go to breakfast with Papa Dwane every day when she lived in Russellville. 
 Because you were born 5 weeks early, a lot of family had to wait a good while before they could meet you. Needless to say when we went to Russellville you had several people waiting in line to meet you!
This is your great great aunt Becky. She and Uncle Charlie came and saw you in the NICU after you were born, but didn't get to hold you because you were too little and fragile. Getting to hold you for the first time made her day!

This is your great great aunt Sharon. She was equally as excited to meet you!

This is your great great aunt Marietta! She helped throw a baby shower for you!

This is your great great uncle Charlie! I know you are going to absolutely love him! He loves to play games and do magic tricks!

This is your great great Uncle Gene. You were a little puzzled by him a first, but you came around and gave him your VERY FIRST SMILE. 

On October 29th you intentionally smiled for the very first time! Mommy was so very glad to have been there to see it! 

With all of Nana's aunts and Uncles. What a very special day!
 After Daddy finished his work trip he decided to come on to Russellville and spend some time with you and Mommy! Nana offered to take us to Bona Dea trail and take a very family photos! We had such fun!

Your first time at Papa's shop. We know that you will be making many memories with him here as you get older.

All of your firsts come and go so quickly. It's bittersweet to watch you grow and experience all these new things. Someday you too will understand how fast time flies. It feels like you were born just yesterday, I blinked and now you're three months old.

We couldn't pass the opportunity to get some cute first halloween photos of you. Nana helped us out and I think you look pretty darn cute.
As you can tell you can grasp things pretty well when they are placed in your hands. You haven't quite started reaching for things yet. 
 We searched and searched for the right Halloween costume for you. When we saw this fireman outfit at Babies-R-Us we couldn't resist! You were the cutest little fireman anyone ever did see.

The weekend of Halloween just also happened to be the weekend of your baby dedication. All of your aunts, uncles, grandparents and even your cousin Ava came down to see you! There is nothing more important to us than for you to grow strong in the Lord. On November 2nd, 2014 we dedicated you to the Lord in front of our church and family. God has already blessed your life tremendously and I can't wait to see how His plan unfolds in your life. 

Here is cousin Ava holding you for the first time at church for your dedication. 
Your entire family showed up for your dedication. Each one of these family members gathered around you and prayed for God's will in your life. 
 One of the few trips you and mommy made this month was to Hot Springs to share a lunch with Daddy at work. He loved have you there!

We had an impromptu lunch date with dad one day. This was your first trip to his office. 
Your big cousin Ava turned 6 this month so we made our way to Russellville to join her birthday celebration. 
Ava's 6th birthday party. Here you are with Papa, Nana, Kevin, Sarah, Ava, Brittany, Rodney, Mommy, and Daddy.

As it got closer to the end of the month we decided it was time for some family pictures! We needed some good photos for our Christmas card this year. Your big cousin Shannon (Brooks' Mom) took some amazing photos that captured this very special time in our lives!
You were not a fan of photo taking at first!

With your puppy dogs Daisy and Scooter!
We love you so much precious boy!

The holiday season started nearing so we put up your very first Christmas Tree.

At the end of the month dad and mom set up the christmas tree in the living room. You were very intrigued by the lights on the tree. We put you under the tree here for a picture because you are our greatest gift ever!
We enjoyed your very first Thanksgiving Celebration on your Three Month Birthday. You were the cutest little turkey we ever did see!
Here you are in your Thanksgiving outfit at Nanna's the weekend before Thanksgiving. It says, "Daddy's little turkey".  Andy you are Dad's little turkey!

 Your 'My First Thanksgiving' PJs.

We ended your third month with a trip to Nanna and Papa's for Thanksgiving with them. You have grown and grown this third month of your life. Mom and Dad are amazed every day at how much you have changed. Here are a few of your development highlights:

  • You gave mom a BIG smile for the first time this month and you haven't stopped smiling since.
  • You are eating 5 ounces of milk now. Sometimes your night time bottles are bigger to help you sleep longer
  • You are still in size 1 diapers but you are starting to stretch them out. 
  • You are started to sleep for longer stretches, 6 hours typically, at night. Mom and Dad LOVE this. 
  • You started to become startled by loud sharp noises. Your cry when you get startled also developed into a completely different cry from your other cries.
Month three was packed full of excitement and we know that this is only the beginning. We love you more than life itself little boy. There are great things in store for your life and we can't wait to see you stand on God's promises!

Mommy and Daddy