Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Here's To New...Everything!

As if my life couldn't get any crazier I've decided to start this blog. My physiology professor told me not to long ago that while I am in professional school I should find something I enjoy to do for at least a couple of hours a week. Although I do not plan to post blogs that take two hours to write, I know I will enjoy the experience of sharing my life with the ones I care about.

Soon I will be moving away from the only town I've ever known, and to me it's bitter-sweet. On one hand I will be starting a new adventure in Little Rock at UAMS, but on the other I will be leaving behind my friends, loved ones, and home. Russellville has been such an amazing place to grow up in. This town as a whole has been a huge contribution to who I am now. As I look back on the things I have experienced here, I feel blessed. I have had such an amazing community that has supported me through every journey and adventure I've been on. Russellville, Arkansas is chocked full of people who are willing to support, love, and rally on those who are reaching for the stars.

The biggest thing that will make this move hard is being further away from my family, especially my mom and dad. They have been my strongest supporters my whole life, real shocking right? That's how parents are supposed to be, but one thing I have had with my parents that most people don't is a true friendship. My parents are jacks of all trades. They are both able to continue being my parents as well as be my best friends. What more can a girl ask for than parents who have poured their time and love into my life, so that it could be more than just ordinary. Because of my parents I have achieved goals I never thought to be possible. Most people don't know that every morning at 5:30 I get up to eat breakfast with my dad and grandpa Jimmy. This has been a tradtion since I was very little, and it has continued until now. Almost everyweek my mom and I end up getting a lunch together and having a little window shopping outing. I do so much with my parents on a daily and weekly basis, and sadly that has to change soon. Growing up is hard.

My parents and I before my pre-school graduation

My biggest fans right after being named Top 10 at Miss Arkansas 2011

Although I know this life change will be a huge adjustment, I know that God has prepared me for it and has equipped me for this experience. My parents will never be more than a phone call or short drive away. Distance will not change our relationship. And as for Russellville, I can be so greatful for all that the community here has invested in me. I hope someday to come back and return the favor through my career as  pharmacist.

Over the next four years I will be experiencing one thrilling journey, and I want to document what I can of it. Between pharmacy school, planning a wedding, and marriage there will be so much to remember. I am so excited to see what God has in store for my life. I want to follow where He leads and to be used by Him. This life isn't just about a career and marriage, it's about making a difference and leaving a legacy. Through God I can accomplish anything, but most importantly I want to do what He has planned for me!

I pray that this week you find yourself blessed beyond measure!

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